I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love combining multiple genres into one photoshoot! This event was primarily a fashion show and collaboration between a local clothing boutique and shoe brand, coming together to host a shopping event for their customers, but it was really just a whole lot of fun. Sassafras provided the models and garments for the runway, and Fluevog provided the shoes and the venue, and there was even a jewelry pop-up shop in the back featuring local artists Melted and Epicene, both carried by Sassafras. (Zoom into the image below to read more about the legendary John Fluevog.)

Fluevog Seattle is located right in the heart of downtown among all the other retail establishments, just around the corner from their original Pike Place Market spot. The building's ground floor space has high ceilings and tall storefront windows and with those eye-catching shoes inside, you just can't miss it. The event was held just after Thanksgiving so the hustle and bustle of shoppers added a delightful hint of anticipation to the overall vibe.

The evening began with informal mingling while models poured drinks for attendees, and showed off their first looks as customers ogled the merchandise. If you're not familiar with Fluevog, these shoes are not for wallflowers. They are a revolutionary movement and have been empowering women for decades — this brand has loyal fans. I spoke with a few people that night who had accumulated more than a dozen pairs and some who said "It's all I wear!"

The Sassafras customer is very similar in desire and attitude, and the combination was magic. The Belltown boutique carries local, handmade goods from designers throughout the Pacific Northwest, and cultivates its own very loyal fans. Both brands encourage originality, quality and seem to support the idea that standing out is better than blending in.

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