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Product Photography: My Jewelry Box

Writer's picture: Tina WitherspoonTina Witherspoon

One of the reasons I decided to become a freelance photographer was to have the opportunity to create personal projects and feed my creative side. I'm basically creating the work that I would like to eventually get hired to do for others. Everything I create is building my portfolio and supplementing my body of work in order to bring those clients directly to me. It's a win-win. This jewelry photoshoot had several components to it and I loved every minute of it!

I created the dramatic black textured background using scrap plywood from my husband's shop, a ton of spackling (the kind that goes on pink and turns white when it dries — so smart!), and then finished it off with some matt black paint. It only took a couple of coats to get this rich dark color and the whole job was astonishingly easy. The result is a really professional looking universal black backdrop.

Using the jewelry from my own personal collection, I staged them for their close ups and had a lot of fun playing around with light and props. I have been walking this 4 mile loop in my neighborhood since the beginning of the year, and on maybe week 2 I started to notice all the beautiful branches and buds on the trees and shrubs around me. It occurred to me they would be the perfect complement to the jewelry — and a promise of spring around the corner.

My favorite set up might have been the earrings dangling off the branches, but truthfully I loved them all and can't wait to try more. I used my trusty 50mm prime lens and the jewelry really pops off the dark background.

If you're an independent artist or boutique owner in need of professional product shots for your business, please get in touch! I'd love to use my newly acquired skills and equipment to help your artistry shine.

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